Mga Pinalangga ko nga Pavianhons,
Madamo ang nagapamangkot sa aton opisina natuhoy sa pag-suspend kag pagcancel sang klase sa aton banwa tungod sa masyado ka init nga panahon. Para sa ihibalo sang tanan, and Dep Ed Iloilo Division Office headed by Schools Division Superintendent Dr. Ernesto Servillon, nag-issue sang direktiba (Division Memo. 097 dated March 13, 2024) nga nagahatag sang awtoridad sa aton mga School Heads ukon Principals, nga magsuspend sang klase, sa mga kaso pareho sang sobra ka init nga panahon. It is the School Heads and Principals judgement call based on the situation to decide what is best for the students.
You can implement the modular distance learning modality as an alternative so as not to affect the school year curriculum.
This is for the information and guidance of our concerned parents, teachers, and students.
Stay healthy, drink a lot of water, and be safe always!