The Local Government of Pavia under the administration of Mayor Luigi Gorriceta acknowledges the critical role of young people in fostering creative and innovative solutions to current challenges, and in driving positive social change. The Local Youth Development Office headed by LYDO-Designate Mr. Marc Anthony Janeo, works with young people and is committed to help them in their physical, social, spiritual and mental growth.

Sports are particularly key to youth development. Physical education, physical activity, and sport, in general, contribute to the development of soft skills and impart values such as teamwork, solidarity, and respect, all of which are crucial to building peaceful and cohesive community.
Last year, LGU Pavia through the LYDO has launched its Sports Grassroots Program with Pavia Youth Sports Camp that is open to Pavianhon youth ages 5-17 years old. The program aims to encourage the youth to hone their talents and skills in the field of basketball, volleyball, football and table tennis.
This year, in a mission to continuously establish a united sports grassroots program in the municipality, the Pavia Youth Sports Camp is back, where four sports discipline are catered to train youngsters for free.
Under a united grassroots program, Mayor Luigi Gorriceta believed that it would be easier to discover and identify talented athletes whom they could train as the future local and eventually national team athletes.
More or less 300 hundred young Pavianhons gathered at the Pavia Public Plaza yesterday, to meet and greet with their coaches and trainers. Clad in their sports attire, these kids will undergo rigid training for a 10-day weekend session.