January 23, 2025 8:51 AM

Mayor Laurence Anthony G. Gorriceta. Most Outstanding Local Chief Executive of the Philippines In The Field Of Social Services


Mayor Laurence Anthony G. Gorriceta pursued a best practice that illustrated and exemplified a professional standard for Social Welfare and Development Program. It reflects our municipality’s commitment to provide a nurturing and inclusive environment for all residents.

His effective and efficient delivery of social service programs is highlighted with the groundbreaking “LUIGINNOVATES: WOMB TO TOMB PROGRAM”. This program has significantly transformed social services and improved the lives of individuals across all stages of life in Pavia.

After he impressed the validators with his presentation of his consistent and efficient delivery of distinct and innovative social welfare programs, Mayor Luigi Gorriceta was awarded the Most Outstanding Local Chief Executive of the Philippines – Municipal Mayor Category for Visayas by the Association of Local Social Welfare and Development Officers of the Philippines, Incorporated (ALSWDOPI) last  August 15, 2023.

The award-giving body acknowledged the visibility of Mayor Gorriceta’s strong political will in promoting the social welfare and development of his constituents.

Undoubtedly, Mayor Luigi Gorriceta is a visionary leader who has dedicated his tenure to promoting social welfare and driving sustainable development in our municipality. 

Through his empathy, strategic planning, and collaborative approach, they have made significant strides in improving the lives of the Pavianhons. His legacy will be one of compassion, progress and a municipality that truly cares for its people.

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