Twenty one (21) Pavia Emergency Responders and eight (8) uniformed men from Pavia BFP are now more capable and knowledgeable in search and rescue skills after completing Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue Training Course held on November 3 to 12, 2023.
The main objective of the course is to train target participants with the techniques and methods necessary for searching, locating, stabilizing and extricating victims trapped in collapsed structures, using the safest and most appropriate procedures for the rescuer as well as the victims.
It was the first CSSR training held in Panay Island facilitated by accredited instructors from the Philippine Air Force, Bureau of Fire Protection, Bago and Cadiz City DRRM Office and Federation Iloilo Fire, Inc.

Observers from the Provincial DRRM Offices of the Antique, Capiz and Aklan, City DRRM Offices of Iloilo and Roxas City, Municipal DRRM Offices of Cuartero, Dumarao, Ivisan, Jamindan, Janiuay, Malay, Sapian and Sigma as well as the Philippine Army Engineering Construction Battalion and Federation Iloilo Fire Bridage Inc. attended the final exercise held on November 11, 2023.

During the last day of the CSSR training course, participants underwent final practical exercise with a collapsed building scenario. It included rescuing victims trapped inside a collapsed structure where in the trainees break into walls made from different materials such as concrete, wood, brick and other light materials.
The ten-day training was organized by Pavia DRRMO Training and Administration Section with the technical assistance of Office of Civil Defense VI Capacity Building and Training Section.