February 9, 2025 9:17 AM

About Pavia

The town of Pavia has the fastest growing economy in the Province of Iloilo. Currently, it is considered as the economic hub of the 2nd District of Iloilo wherein various manufacturing and industrial firms, shopping centers and commercial establishments are located. Its flourishing economic and commercial activities has profoundly contributed in the increase of government revenues which resulted to the realization of various programs and projects that has benefitted more than 70,000 Pavianhons.

Pavia Up Close

The town that used to be a camping ground is now a significant contributor in boosting the economy of Iloilo. Its local government efforts, headed by the dynamic municipal mayor, Hon. LAURENCE ANTHONY G. GORRICETA, is to revitalize the town and maximize infrastructure investments in housing, industry, transportation and other services.

Pavia is one of the smallest municipalities of Iloilo with an area of 2,703 hectares composed of 18 barangays. The municipality occupies the central portion of Iloilo. Its borders are defined by the municipalities of Oton, San Miguel, Sta. Barbara, Leganes and Iloilo City. Pavia is within the Second District of Iloilo. It is 9.6 kilometers North of Iloilo City accessible thru the Iloilo-Capiz Central Road.

The tandem of Mayor Laurence Anthony G. Gorriceta and Vice Mayor Edsel G. Gerochi has brought so much progress in the town of Pavia. The good relationship between the Executive and Legislative branch of the local government unit has truly changed the system of administration where the 8-point agenda of the Local Chief Executive is being strengthened and supported through legislative measures which include basic services, environment, livelihood, infrastructure, education, disaster resiliency.

The Municipality of Pavia is very lucky to have the Gorriceta’s and the Gerochi’s who has the passion to serve the Pavianhons with love, integrity and promotes leadership with accountability. These three characteristics of a leader are what we Pavianhons looking for; leaders who carry the love in their hearts in all their actions, honest and have strong moral principles and one who leads with Loyalty, Empathetic, Assertive, Diplomatic, Ethically-oriented and Responsive to the needs of the people.

Good leadership will lead to good governance- in 30 months of serving the Pavianhons, our municipality was a recipient of various awards and recognitions not only in the Province of Iloilo but in the entire Philippines. More than what we expect, Pavia will continue to rise with blazing glory and we will always be proud to be called as “PAVIANHONS”.


A premier investment center in the region under an accountable and responsive leadership shared by a God-fearing and responsible citizenry in a safe and orderly environment.


Encourage community involvement in all developmental processes to ensure the progressive advancement of the municipality through the unrelenting efforts of the local government to provide the necessary services to its constituents and the proper utilization of its available resources.

Pavia's Rich History

Pavia, which is 9.6 km. North of Iloilo City, now tagged as the Regional Agro-Industrial Center and better known as (RAIC) for Western Visayas, has really emerged from a facile to a bustling town of industrial and manufacturing firms.

The detailed account of PAVIA’s history was found in an unpublished report as edited by Gaudiosa Janeo, Fernando Hubero and Former Mayor Nelson Gumban. It was an updated report of the preliminary report made in 1954 during the time of Mayor Vicente Gerochi. The latest report was made in 1977 by Guia Villaprudente as published in her book, “Pavia, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.”

It was believed that PAVIA was settled by the Malays before the invasion of the Spaniards. It was later settled by the Chinese as evidenced by archeological diggings of a Chinese burial ground on the embankment of Cabugao Sur approximately between the 15th and 16th centuries. The Malays and the Chinese has established trade and commerce in the settlement with an estimated population of 200 to 400.

PAVIA, is believed to have been officially established in 1848, during the Spanish occupation, when thirteen (13) landowners decided to shape the future of what used to be a “camping place”, a “settlement place” or an “abandoned place”. The thirteen (13) landowners were the following:

1. Anacleto Hedriana

2. Marcos Evangelista

3. Barbarino Maquiling

4. Constantino Gumban

5. Graciano Gonzaga

6. One surnamed Ramos

7. One surnamed Remegio

8. One surnamed Leocadio

9. One surnamed Gregori

10. Mariano Maquiling

11. Vicente Hechanova

12. Locario Jontanilla

13. Jorge Jagolino

The first nine (9) of those landowners are being immortalized, as nine (9) of the municipal streets were named after them. The place being a “camping place” has been derisively referred to as “biya-biya” which means “neglected” or “abandoned”. It was believed then that the town got its name from the word “biya-biya”. Other version had it that the town was named after General or Colonel Pavia, as to why should he be immortalized, it was not known.

PAVIA, which became a part of Sta. Barbara in 1901, seceded from it 1904 and was then attached to the City of Iloilo. In 1907, PAVIA, together with Leganes and Jaro seceded from the City of Iloilo making PAVIA then an “ARABAL” of Jaro.

Petronilo Gumban governed PAVIA from 1916 until his election as Presidente Municipal of Jaro in 1920. It was in 1921, the PAVIA through the efforts of its prominent citizens headed by Delfin Gumban obtained her territorial independence from Jaro. Since then, PAVIA remained independent up to the present.

The different Presidente Municipal (equivalent to Municipal Mayor now) who had served PAVIA with their corresponding terms were:

Delfin Gumban, 1912-1924 – known to be Pavia’s Father of Independence

Domingo Guillem, 1924-1927

Simplicio Hechanova, 1927-1934

Pacifico Jabonillo, 1934-1942

Buenaventura Gumban, 1942-1945 (Resistance Civil Gov’t.)

Cornelio Gumban, 1942-1945 (Japanese Gov’t.)

Juan de Dios Gonzaga, 1945-1946

Luzon Gumban, 1946-1952

Vicente Gerochi, 1952-1955

Florencio Hisole, 1956-1959

Gerardo Gorriceta, 1960-1971

Nelson Gumban, 1972-1986

Felix Gorriceta, Jr., 1986-1994

Rogelio Trimanez, 1994-1995 (serving the unexpired term of Mayor Gorriceta)

Felix Caronongan, Jr., March ’95-June ’95

Ervin G. Gerochi, June 30, 1995-June 30, 2004

Arcadio H. Gorriceta, July 1, 2004-June 30, 2013

Michael B. Gorriceta, July 1, 2013-June 30, 2018

Laurence Anthony G. Gorriceta, July 1, 2018-up to present

(Old Pavia Photos:Mr. Nereo Lujan)

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